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Basic UIBuilder usage

TimberApi provides many base game presets in the UIBuilder. These presets can be used to create UI quickly and simple.


To make use of the UIBuilder you need to get the UIBuilder instance with Timberborn Dependency Injection. In the following guides the field uiBuilder will be used as, which is the UIBuilder instance.

Basic usage


With Build you can quickly instantiate fully configured presets. This are presets you made yourself or presets where no additional information needs to be given.

// Generic Typed

// Type parameter, can be used for dynamic building


Some presets can contain extra configurations, for example adding a localization text or making a button larger.
With the create method you can change these configurations before instantiating the preset.

// Creates a default game button with a loc key

// Creates a destructive game button, red, with a loc key


Timberborn has a visual element initialization process, this process will for example make sure that a click sound is added to a button.


Initialization should only be done on the highest parent element! Calling initialization on every preset will make creation of the whole visual element slow.

Initialization can be by the following methods:

  • UIBuilder.Initialize, initializes the given element.
  • UIBuilder.BuildAndInitialize, returns the given visual element back after being initialized.
  • UIBuilder.Create<Preset>().BuildAndInitialize(), returns the given visual element back after being initialized.