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Creating Simple Preset

Creating presets is the core functionality of the UIBuilder, presets can be a one time use or re-used many times.

Creating a new button preset

Let's re-create the ArrowLeftButton of the TimberApi presets for this guide.

Step 1, Create a preset class

First you need to create a class that extends the BaseBuilder<T>, where T is the visual element you want to create. In this case it will be the Button.

public class TopButton : BaseBuilder<Button>
    protected override Button InitializeRoot()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Step 2, Building the skeleton

Within the InitializeRoot you need to define the building blocks of the element you want to make. In this case it's a single Button with one class which can be created by using the ButtonBuilder.


TimberApi provides element builders for almost all Timberborn and Unity visual elements. Element builders can be found at GitHub.

protected override Button InitializeRoot()
    return UIBuilder.Create<ButtonBuilder>()

Step 3, Styling

By default all visual elements in Timberborn have no styling. TimberApi has designed StyleSheetBuilder to make this process as simple as possible.

The creation of a StyleSheet is done in the method InitializeStyleSheet, this will make sure the StyleSheet is correctly cached and will improve performance.

protected override void InitializeStyleSheet(StyleSheetBuilder styleSheetBuilder)
        .AddBackgroundHoverClass("my-arrow-down-button", "ui/images/buttons/arrow-left", "ui/images/buttons/arrow-left-hover")
        .AddClass("my-arrow-down-button", builder => builder

Let's break down what is happing in the styleSheetBuilder:

  • AddBackgroundHoverClass, This will add a background, and change the background on hover.
    • my-arrow-down-button, The class name you added to your preset.
    • ui/images/buttons/arrow-left, The resource path to an image.
    • ui/images/buttons/arrow-left-hover, The resource path to the image when the button is hovered.
  • AddClass, This will create the class my-arrow-down-button.
    • ClickSound, Adds a sound when you click the button.
    • Height, Sets the height of the button.
    • Width, Sets the width of the button.

Full example

public class ArrowLeftButton : BaseBuilder<Button>
    protected override Button InitializeRoot()
        return UIBuilder.Create<ButtonBuilder>()
    protected override void InitializeStyleSheet(StyleSheetBuilder styleSheetBuilder)
            .AddBackgroundHoverClass("my-arrow-down-button", "ui/images/buttons/arrow-left", "ui/images/buttons/arrow-left-hover")
            .AddClass("my-arrow-down-button", builder => builder

Extending an existing preset

In case the presets of TimberApi don't have the functionality that you want, you can extend the preset and add your own functionality to it.

// TODO: Extending the ArrowLeftButton making a HUGE size

Combining presets

Combining presets to form a component can be used when you want to re-use a combination of presets without creating it manually form scratch.

// TODO: Setting up a component that does stuff idk