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Last updated: May 30, 2023 21:40:52


Table of contents

  1. ToolSpecification Scheme
  2. How To Register a New Tool
  3. How To Register a New Tool With Custom ToolInformation

Tools will decide what actions will be taken when clicking on a ToolButton. For example placing buildings or prioritizing builders.

ToolSpecification Scheme

Property Default Required Description
Id - Yes Unique identifier
GroupId - No Group unique identifier
Type - Yes Defines what tool will be created, check out TimberApi Tools to find the identifiers or check out the mod creator
Layout Brown No Defines what button layout will be created
Order - Yes Position of ToolButton
Icon - Yes Asset path to sprite
NameLocKey - Yes Localization key
DescriptionLocKey - Yes Localization key
DevMode false No Required dev mode when true
Hidden false No Hides existing tool when true
ToolInformation - Sometimes Implementation defined data, check out the mod creator for this information


    "Id": "RuinColumnH8",
    "GroupId": "Ruins",
    "Type": "PlaceableObjectTool",
    "Layout": "blue",
    "Order": 8,
    "Icon": "RuinColumnH8Icon",
    "NameLocKey": "Building.Ruins.DisplayName",
    "DescriptionLocKey": "Building.Ruins.Description",
    "DevMode": true,
    "Hidden": false,
    "ToolInformation": {
        "BuildingPrefabName": "RuinColumnH8",
        "BottomBarSection": 1

How To Register a New Tool

When creating a Tool the original method of Timberborn does not work! Follow the step to register your tool to TimberApi ToolSystem.

  1. Create a new Tool, this step has not changed.
    Make sure the ToolGroup can be set from outside
  2. Create a new ToolFactory class that implements IToolFactory
  3. Set a unique Id, this will be the Type identifier in the ToolSpecification
  4. Return your tool and set the ToolGroup given in with the Create method
  5. MultiBind the ToolFactory to IToolFactory in a configurator


public class CancelPlantingToolFactory : IToolFactory

    public string Id => "CancelPlantingTool";

    public Tool Create(ToolSpecification toolSpecification, ToolGroup? toolGroup = null)
        return new CancelPlantingTool(_plantingSelectionService, toolGroup);
public class CancelPlantingToolConfigurator : IConfigurator
    public void Configure(IContainerDefinition containerDefinition)

How To Register a New Tool With Custom ToolInformation

When creating a Tool the original method of Timberborn does not work! Follow the step to register your tool to TimberApi ToolSystem.

  1. Create a new Tool, this step has not changed.
    Make sure the ToolGroup can be set from outside
  2. Create a new ToolFactory class that extends BaseToolFactory<T> where T is class with all needed properties
  3. Set a unique Id, this will be the Type identifier in the ToolSpecification
  4. The DeserializeToolInformation will be used to deserialize the given class like any other deserializer in Timberborn
  5. Return your tool and set the ToolGroup given in with the CreateTool method
  6. MultiBind the ToolFactory to IToolFactory in a configurator


public class PlaceableObjectToolFactory : BaseToolFactory<PlaceableObjectToolToolInformation>
        public override string Id => "PlaceableObjectTool";
        protected override Tool CreateTool(ToolSpecification toolSpecification, PlaceableObjectToolToolInformation toolInformation, ToolGroup? toolGroup)
            var prefab = _objectCollectionService.GetAllMonoBehaviours<Prefab>().Single(o => o.IsNamed(toolInformation.PrefabName));
            var placeableBlockObject = prefab.GetComponentFast<PlaceableBlockObject>();

            placeableBlockObject.SetPrivateInstanceFieldValue("_devModeTool", toolSpecification.DevMode);
            placeableBlockObject.SetPrivateInstanceFieldValue("_toolOrder", toolSpecification.Order);

            var blockObjectTool = new BlockObjectTool(_blockObjectToolDescriber, _inputService, _areaPickerFactory, _previewPlacerFactory, _uiSoundController, _blockObjectPlacerService, _mapEditorMode);

            if(toolGroup == null)
                blockObjectTool.Initialize(placeableBlockObject, toolGroup);

            return blockObjectTool;

        protected override PlaceableObjectToolToolInformation DeserializeToolInformation(IObjectLoader objectLoader)
            return new PlaceableObjectToolToolInformation(objectLoader.Get(new PropertyKey<string>("PrefabName")));
public class CancelPlantingToolConfigurator : IConfigurator
    public void Configure(IContainerDefinition containerDefinition)